
Your Guide to Caring for Low Porosity Hair
August 29 2020
You can be a beginner of the natural hair journey or a pro at caring for it, but your experience ...

Marula Oil, The secret to healthy natural hair
August 28 2019
The Benefits of Marula Oil
Keywords/key phrases: Marula oil benefits, marula oil on hair, what i...
How to Prevent a Synthetic Hair Reaction
May 25 2019
How to Prevent a Synthetic Hair Reaction
Keywords/key phrases: synthetic hair, synthetic hair re...

LCO vs. LOC Method: Which One is Best for Your Hair Type?
March 19 2019
LCO vs. LOC Method: Which One is Best for Your Hair Type?
Locking moisture into natural hair ...

3 reasons why you should start steaming your hair
September 10 2018
Three reasons you should start steaming your hair today!
Do you have dry and brittle hair, a...

loc or lco for low porosity hair | Products For Low Porosity 4C Hair
July 11 2018
LCO vs. LOC method
The term LCO and LOC have become very popular among females, but most peopl...

One Item every naturalista should use
May 30 2018
One item every natural hair diva should use
Headband to tight? Get tension headaches easily?...

5 ways to conquer hair frizz
April 25 2018
 Frizz is due to lack of moisture in your hair, but humidity can also contribute to it. Here ...

How to create a hair cocktail for your dry hair
April 2 2018
Let's face the truth, a lot of ladies spend lots of time searching for that one magic product ...

5 insider secrets to achieving soft natural hair
March 4 2018
Deep conditioning for soft hair
 Deep conditioning has many benefits to the hair aside from hair...

Have you tried the “Indian Oiling Method?"
February 22 2018
Let's talk Oils. I love oils especially oils that help improve my hair quality. I tend t...

5 Things that I’ve learned during my natural hair journey
February 5 2018
5 Things that I’ve learned during my natural hair journey
Expect Personal Growth
When I cu...

Mic Check 1...2....1...2....
February 5 2018
Is this thing on? Tap…tap…..tap….I feel like I am stepping up to the mic, vulnerable, exposed an...

My decision to go natural
July 2 2016
My decision to go natural
 The decision was not an easy one but my hand was forced. For ye...