My decision to go natural

My decision to go natural
The decision was not an easy one but my hand was forced. For years, I was addicted to the creamy crack aka hair relaxer. It was like clockwork, every six weeks I would buy my relaxer. I would try my hardest to not scratch my scalp and then ensure I apply Vaseline around my edges. I hated burning and that feeling like your hair is on fire and yet I gave in every six weeks. My hair however was not healthy. It would break and it would be fried like chicken. At times, the hair relaxer would sit too long and would over process my hair. Chile, it was just too much. I never got the results I was looking for. I never looked like the girl on the commercials.
The alternative was to go natural. Going natural before it was a thing was gutsy. I had no other choice. I said to my cousin “girl, if it doesn’t work out then I will just relax it and keep a sew-in weave until it grows.” Few days passed and next thing you know the hair that was there in the day was no more at night. I rocked my TWA (teeny weenie fro) as confidently as I knew how.
At that time, it was so experimental it wasn’t even funny. I tried every product that you can think of. Some worked, some didn’t and some just did absolutely nothing for me. I believe that gives me insight into which products to source for Bantu Coils. My decision to go natural is one that I will never regret. Years later I can look back and tell you my hair is healthier, stronger, and fuller because I went natural. Natural in the sense that I am monitoring the chemicals and products that enter my hair. Being natural has its perks, you can be natural but have your Beyoncé sew-in, or natural and have your faux locs or other protective styles. I love the versatility of being natural.
Share below your comments about why you went natural and your favorite perk about going natural.